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Knowledge in Islam (worshipping Allah) and its benefits for life.

 knowledge in Islam (worshipping Allah

Worshipping Allah
Worshipping Allah

Muslim Creed - Knowledge/science is very important for every individual and can even increase human dignity. In Islam, seeking knowledge is also an act of worship to Allah and there are certain matlamats in the process of studying. The importance of having knowledge is to prove the power of Allah SWT. With knowledge, humans can read the Koran which contains all the real problems on this earth. Science also allows humans to study the universe created by Allah.

For the life of the world we need knowledge that can sustain the life of the world, for preparation in the hereafter. We also need knowledge that if we can equip the afterlife. Thus, happiness in this world and in the hereafter as the goal of life, God willing, will be achieved.

Seeking knowledge is something that must be done by us as human beings. Because by studying, we can broaden our horizons about knowledge so that we can be recognized by the community around us. In addition, seeking knowledge is also a form of worship that is required in Islam.

The wisdom of a knowledgeable person

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There are many lessons or benefits if someone has religious knowledge, including:

1. Can know the truth

In Surah Ali Imran verse 18 we can take the wisdom of the truth, namely the truth about Allah, He is the All-Knowing, All-Wise and There is no god but Allah. This knowledge in the Islamic world is called the science of aqoid or the science of aqidah. This knowledge is very useful for human happiness in this world and the hereafter.

2. Get the same reward to the person who was taught

In the Islamic world when we teach useful knowledge to someone and then that person teaches it back to others, then we will get the reward as we have been taught to others. In a hadith narrated by Ibn Majah that whoever teaches a science, then he gets a reward from those who practice it without reducing the reward of those who do it in the slightest.

and we teach science to other people will get a jariyah reward, namely a reward that will not be interrupted after we die.

3. Avoid curses and losses

People who are knowledgeable will certainly be able to distinguish what is wrong and what is right, because the curse or loss comes from ignorance. People who have knowledge will always be more careful and safe from various losses.

4. Acceptance of acts of worship

In doing worship, of course, we must use knowledge or rules in worship, if we worship without using it, our worship will be in vain or rejected. Science makes our worship accepted by Allah because with knowledge we can know the procedures and our goals in worship.

5. Knowledgeable people will be elevated

By seeking knowledge, then we will become a knowledgeable person and as a way of success in the hereafter according to Islam. Do not forget that Allah's promise to those who have knowledge is to raise their status. As in the al mujadilah verse 11 :

al mujadilah verse 11

The CENTRIS FTI UII Da'wah Institute held a study with the theme "Seeking Knowledge to Reach Allah's Pleasure" with Ustadz Kholid Haryono, M.Kom as the resource person. The opening of the event began with the recitation of the holy verse of the Qur'an Surah Ali Imran 83 which means, "So are they looking for a religion other than Allah's religion, whereas to Him they surrender everything in the heavens and the earth, both with whether they like it or not, and to Allah they will be returned."

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From this verse, Kholid said that all affairs in the world must be intended for worship. "There are no worldly affairs, everything is a matter of the hereafter, whatever our charity, the choice is worship," said the FTI UII lecturer.

One form of worship is diligently seeking knowledge. Islam will elevate the status of those who are knowledgeable. So important is knowledge in Islam that it is commanded through the Qur'an and hadith. "In Islam there is also no dichotomy of knowledge. All knowledge is interconnected and of course everything returns to the book of Allah, "he added.

In one hadith narrated by Ibn Majah, seeking legal knowledge there are those who say fardhu ain and fardhu kifayah. Fardhu ain is obligatory for every Muslim to do it. Whereas fardhu kifayah, if one of them has done it, then his obligation to the other falls.

He also added that the key to success is knowledge. "Whoever wants questions related to the world must have knowledge, and whoever wants to be safe and happy in the hereafter must also have knowledge and whoever wants both must have knowledge of both," he said.

Allah SWT also did not command all Muslims to strive in the way of war. Another way of jihad can be done in other ways than war, namely seeking knowledge. Science is not just left alone but must be practiced in everyday life. The philosophy of science in Islam is divided into three parts, namely learning, practicing, and teaching. Studying as previously discussed is fard for every Muslim. Practice must also be done because knowledge that is not practiced is like a tree without fruit. Knowledge that has been learned will be in vain and useless. After practicing it is perfected by teaching knowledge to others. The goal is to be able to distinguish right and wrong in life because science is essentially the truth.

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