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Give thanks to God by carrying out religious worship

Aqiqah is the right of a child whose parents have fulfilled it. This religious worship can be done from the time the child is born until before reaching the age of puberty.

Give thanks to God by carrying out religious worship

Aqiqah is the right of a child whose parents have fulfilled it. This religious worship can be done from the time the child is born until before reaching the age of puberty. Its implementation is a form of gratitude for the birth of the baby. By definition, akikah means to slaughter a goat or sheep as a sign of gratitude for their birth

The presence of a baby in the family is certainly a joy for every married couple. In Islam, generally they will do a prayer ceremony which is usually called akikah.

Akikah is a series of events carried out by Muslims to show gratitude for the presence of the Little One into the world. Akikah is identical to the ritual of slaughtering goats as a form of gratitude.

1. The law of faith in Islam

The event for welcoming the baby in Islam seems to be a teaching that has been carried out by the previous Prophet SAW. The law of aqeekah is divided into two, namely obligatory law and sunnah.

The scholars interpret that a child cannot benefit his parents if he has not been married. However, this opinion is still being rejected by many scholars who say that aqikah is sunnah.

Furthermore, if you look at the sunnah law, aqeekah is included in the muakkad sunnah or sunnah that must be prioritized. The point is, if Muslim parents are able to carry out aqikah for their children, then it is recommended to do it when the child is still a baby. However, for parents who are less well off financially, the implementation of akikah can be abolished.

2. The time of performing the aqikah

The scholars are of the opinion that it is recommended that the time for the implementation of the Akikah is seven days after the birth of the baby.

However, if it is not possible to do it at the recommended time, then the implementation of the aqeekah can be changed on the 14th or 21st day after birth.

Furthermore, for Muslim parents who are less well off financially, it is not obligatory to hold aqikah at that time. There are scholars who say that aqikah can be done at any time if there is ability.

3. Conditions for choosing an animal for akikah

Generally, the implementation of aqikah is done by slaughtering an animal in the form of a goat. Not just choosing a goat to slaughter, but Mama also has to pay attention to the requirements in choosing an animal for akikah.

The selection of animals for aqikah is actually the same as the conditions specified in choosing the sacrificial animal. Where the goats to be slaughtered must be of good quality, healthy, free from disease, and without defects. In addition, the goat chosen for marriage should be at least half a year old, Ma.

4. Giving aqikah meat that has been slaughtered

According to Islamic teachings, the procedure for distributing aqeekah meat that has been slaughtered is similar to slaughtering a sacrificial animal, Ma.

However, what makes the difference is that the result of akikah meat must be given to neighbors and relatives in a cooked form, it cannot be given in raw form such as sacrificial meat.

5. Wisdom of faith

The Wisdom of Akikah Worship Every shari'a stipulated by Islam usually has certain wisdoms that are beneficial to its people. In the description of "Akikah and Sacrifice Fosters Concern for the People" published by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, it is stated that a number of wisdoms from aqikah worship in the life of a Muslim are as follows:

The implementation of aqikah can be seen as an effort to revive the sunnah and example of the Prophet Muhammad. Based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the implementation of akikah can free children from pawning. According to Islamic law, religious worship can protect children from the devil. Thus, the child whose akikah has been fulfilled will get the pleasure and help of Allah SWT. 

Akikah is a parent's effort to prevent children from calamity, moral ugliness, suffering, and so on. Akikah worship is a form of taqarrub or self-approach to Allah SWT, as well as a form of gratitude for the gift of giving birth to a child in a family. Akikah is a means of showing gratitude in implementing Islamic law. Strengthening ties of friendship among community members through eating halal mutton or lamb.