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The meaning, law, and conditions of the obligatory Hajj

The meaning Hajj, law Hajj, and conditions of the obligatory Hajj

The meaning Hajj, law Hajj, and conditions of the obligatory Hajj

Every month of Shawwal until Zulhijjah, many Muslims in this world carry out the fifth pillar of Islam, namely performing the pilgrimage to the Baitullah. Performing the pilgrimage is something that every Muslim really misses, whether he has never done it or has done it many times. They intend to deliberately visit the Kaaba to perform worship which includes: wukuf, tawaf, sa'i, tahalul, and other acts of worship hoping to be pleased with Allah swt. Performing the pilgrimage must be carried out sincerely.

Performing the pilgrimage has the meaning that the activities carried out by the pilgrims are traces of past history that the family of the Prophet Ibrahim AS as a symbol of the journey of human life to the afterlife. All rituals performed require wisdom for the pilgrims to explore the wisdom behind their worship. The goal is that there is a change in behavior after returning to their respective regions of origin in the hope of getting the title of Mabrur Hajj.

We know that Hajj is one of the obligatory acts of worship for Muslims who can afford it. Allah swt made this worship one of the five pillars of Islam. The Messenger of Allah explained to his people how to carry out the pilgrimage.

The meaning Hajj

In the language of Hajj comes from the Arabic language, namely hajja which means to intentionally do something. In terms of Hajj is visiting the Kaaba (baitullah) to perform some acts of worship with the conditions that have been determined. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. Mecca is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad. In the city of Mecca, there is the Kaaba which is used as a mecca for Muslims around the world when praying.

This pilgrimage is obligatory for those who can afford it, as Allah says in Q.S Al-Imran verse 97

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Based on the verse, it is clear that the command to perform Hajj is obligatory for those who can afford it and once in a lifetime. The purpose of being able is materially, which is sufficient for his own expenses and for the family he leaves behind, and being physically or healthy in carrying out the pilgrimage. Besides these two things, there is also the availability of safe transportation to Mecca. Muslims who are capable, but do not perform Hajj will be sinned for leaving their obligations.

Apart from the obligation to perform Hajj, Muslims are also required to perform Umrah. Therefore, the pilgrims at the time in the holy land to perform the pilgrimage and Umrah. There are three ways to do this, as follows:

  1. Ifrad, which is doing Hajj first, then doing Umrah.
  2. tamattu, namely doing umrah first, then doing hajj.
  3. Qiran, which is doing Hajj and Umrah at the same time

Requirements for Hajj

We know that in carrying out the pilgrimage there are several obligatory conditions for prospective pilgrims that must be met, these conditions include the following:

  • 1. Islam, Hajj is an obligation for people who are Muslim. If there is a person who is not a Muslim who has performed the pilgrimage and then converted to Islam, he still has the obligation to perform the pilgrimage.
  • 2. Baligh, a small child does not yet have the obligation to perform the pilgrimage. If there is a small child performing the pilgrimage, the pilgrimage is still valid, but this does not invalidate the obligation. That is, later when he is an adult, he still has the obligation to perform the pilgrimage.
  • 3. have common sense
  • People whose minds are insane (crazy) are not obliged to perform Hajj. Such a person does not have the qualifications to perform worship. If a madman performs the Hajj, his Hajj is invalid.
  • 4. Independent, performing Hajj for slaves is not obligatory. Hajj is a long-term worship, requires a long journey and is indicated by the ability in provisions and vehicles. This results in the neglect of the employer's rights relating to slaves.
  • 5. Able, there is physical, material, and security ability in carrying out the pilgrimage