5 Application of Syajaah Behavior in Realizing Honesty, Relationships and Explanations
Muslimcreed - The meaning of syajaah is right or brave. In terms, the meaning of syajaah is the determination of the strength of the establishment to defend and defend the truth in a wise and commendable manner. Therefore, the notion of syajaah is courage that is based on the truth and is carried out with full consideration.
The positive side of a brave attitude is to encourage a Muslim to do heavy and risky work in order to defend his honor. But if this attitude is not used properly, it will plunge a Muslim into humiliation.
The definition of syajaah in the Arabic dictionary means courage or officerhood, namely someone who can be patient with something if in his soul there is courage to accept disaster or courage in doing something. It is difficult to find patience and courage in a coward. In addition, Syajaah (brave) is not merely daring to fight on the battlefield, but a mental attitude of a person, being able to control his soul and act accordingly.
What is the relationship between syajaah and honesty? How to apply syajaah behavior in realizing honesty?
Check out the following reviews so that you will understand more about syajaah and honesty and the relationship between the two.
Syajaah is an attitude of courage and toughness in defending the truth. An example of his attitude is when someone dares to defend the truth.
While honesty is an attitude of daring to tell the truth. An example of his attitude is being honest when he is late for school.
Syajaah encourages someone to be brave, one of which is being brave to be honest in any situation.
Dare to admit mistakes, for example, have made the class dirty. So he confessed and then took responsibility for cleaning the classroom.
Syajaah is very important in encouraging honest behavior, one's courage to be honest in all conditions.
For example, the Fulan saw that there was a crime of theft. If he is brave, then he will be honest in uncovering or reporting the theft.
Syajaah is divided into 2 types, including:
1. Syajaah Harbiyyah
Understanding Syajaah Harbiyyah is a form of courage that appears directly. For example, the courage of the ancient Muslims to do jihad (war) in defense of religion.
2. Syajaah Nafsiyyah
The definition of Syajaah Nafsiyyah is the mental courage of a person. He will be brave in the face of danger and suffering if it is for the sake of upholding justice.
In order to better understand the relationship between honesty and syajaah, let's practice questions.
Question: State the relationship between ash-syaja'ah and honesty: to convey honesty, it takes courage (syaja'ah).
Answer: Every Muslim must dare to manifest honesty in everyday life.
In practice, the following are examples of behaviors that reflect a brave attitude in honesty, among others:
1. Saying something true, even though behind it there is a big risk.
2. Do not lie even in a state of being threatened or cornered.
3. Witness honestly in a trial or case that is being lived
4. Report a crime to the authorities when you see it. Examples of theft, corruption and others.
5. Refuse to cheat in exams or daily tests. For example, rejecting cheats and the like.
Benefits of Application in Life
After knowing the meaning of syajaah and its types, it is also a good idea to understand the benefits of applying the attitude of syajaah in life. Allah SWT commands those who believe not to be cowards and cowards. Because fear and cowardice will lead to failure and defeat.
Courage is a requirement of faith. Faith in Allah SWT. teaches us to be brave people to face various challenges in life. The main challenge we face is fighting for the truth, even though we have to face various obstacles.
Islam does not like people who are weak or timid. People who are weak or timid usually do not dare to survive so they are easily discouraged. The fear is partly because they are afraid of being ostracized from their environment. Fear of having different attitudes with many people or fear of defending a truth and justice.
Courage in Islamic teachings is called Syajaah. Syajaah according to the language means brave. Meanwhile, according to the term, the meaning of syajaah is determination, the strength of the establishment to defend and defend the truth in a manly and commendable manner. So syajaah can be interpreted as courage based on the truth, carried out with full consideration and calculation to hope for the pleasure of Allah SWT.
Courage (syajaah) is a way to realize a victory in faith. There should be no words of trepidation and fear for Muslims when carrying out their duties if they want to achieve glory. The spirit of faith will always lead them to not be afraid and tremble in the slightest.
Brothers and sisters, that's the review about honesty and interrelated syajaah.
Hopefully this review can be a reference for younger siblings to learn.