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The virtue and etiquette of studying together with complete arguments

The virtue and etiquette of studying together with complete arguments

Muslim creed - Knowledge is the key to all goodness and knowledge. Knowledge is a means to carry out what Allah has commanded us. Faith is not perfect, and deeds are not excellent except with knowledge. With knowledge, Allah is worshiped; with it, Allah's rights are fulfilled, and with knowledge, His religion is spread.

This makes the need for knowledge more significant than the need for food and drink because the survival of religion and the world depends on ability. Humans need knowledge more than food and drink because food and beverages are required only two or three times a day, while expertise is necessary every time.

Some of us may think that the law of seeking religious knowledge is just sunnah, which means that there is a reward for those who do it and no sin for anyone who abandons it.

There are several conditions where the law of seeking religious knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim (fardhu 'ain), so it is a sin for everyone who leaves it.

the obligation to study religion as the words of the Prophet in a sahih hadith which reads:

"Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim." (Narrated by Ibn Majah. Graded authentic by Shaykh Albani in Sahih wa Dha'if Sunan Ibn Majah no. 224)

The virtue of studying

There is much evidence from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger regarding the virtue of knowledge and the possessor of knowledge. Among others are:

1. Make it easier for someone to get to heaven.

This is as shown by the hadith of Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

"Whoever follows a path in search of knowledge in him, Allah will make easy for him the path to heaven." (HR. Muslim)

2. Knowledge as charity.

"If a person dies, his deeds are cut off, except for three things, namely, almsgiving, the knowledge that is used, or the prayer of a pious child" (HR. Muslim no. 1631)

3. Allah elevates will.

Indeed Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge by several degrees..." (Surah Al-Mujadilah (58): 11)

And Allah said:

"And they said: "Had we listened or thought (the warning), we would not have been among the inhabitants of the fiery Hell." (Surah Al-Mulk: 10)

4. Knowledgeable people are those who fear Allah the most.

As in Surah Fatir 28, Allah explains that someone with knowledge will better understand how life was created and deepen knowledge of the power of Allah as the Creator. A knowledgeable person will be afraid to do things that contain sin because he knows Allah SWT's power and greatness.

"And so also among humans, animate moving creatures, and livestock, there are various colors and types. Among the servants of Allah who fear Him are only the scholars. Indeed, Allah is Mighty, Most Forgiving ."

5. Knowledgeable people are given goodness in this world and the hereafter by Allah.

"Whoever Allah will get all the goodness, then Allah will understand him about religion." (Narrated by Bukhari no. 71 and Muslim No. 1037)

The adab of seeking knowledge in Islam

In addition to having several virtues in studying, Islam is also taught how to behave a person so that the knowledge he is learning can bring many blessings to life. As Imam Malik said to the Quraysh as follows:

"Learn etiquette before studying a science."

From the message, we can know that it is essential to learn etiquette before someone studies. The following are the etiquette of seeking knowledge that we need to know:

1. Lillahi ta'ala's intention.

When we want to study, our main intention must be for Allah. As the word of Allah in Surah Al Bayyinah verse 5:

"Though they were not commanded except to worship Allah by purifying their obedience to Him in a straight religion and that they should establish prayer and pay zakat; and that is the straight religion."

2. Always pray when studying.

Like the Prophet Muhammad, who always prayed in seeking knowledge, as follows: Meaning:-"O Allah, benefit from what You taught me, teach me things that benefit me, and increase me in knowledge."

3. Be serious in studying.

When studying, we should be severe and always enthusiastic about getting practical knowledge. Seek knowledge as if you are never complete with the knowledge you call; we should always want to increase our understanding.

The Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam said, "Two greedy people are never satisfied: the one who is greedy for knowledge and is never satisfied with it and the one who is greedy for the world and is never satisfied with it." (HR. Al-Baihaqi)

4. Stay away from immorality.

From Abu Hurairah, from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam, he said, "A servant when he does something wrong, then a black dot is placed in his heart. When he leaves it and asks forgiveness and repents, his heart is cleansed. When he returns (does immorality), then the black dot is added to cover his heart. That is what is termed 'ar rain which Allah mentions in His word (which means), 'Never (so) what they always try to cover their hearts.' "

To get practical knowledge and be full of blessings, we must stay away from immorality because immorality will make it difficult for the brain to concentrate, so the learning we catch will be challenging to understand.

5. Do not be arrogant when studying.

If we want to get practical knowledge, it would be nice if we have to stay humble. Don't feel arrogant when we are satisfied with the knowledge we have, as Imam Mujahid said as follows:

"Two people do not learn knowledge: a shy person and an arrogant person" (Narrated by Bukhari)

6. Listening to the teacher when studying.

"And when the Qur'an is recited, listen carefully, and pay attention quietly so that you will receive mercy."

Listening to a teacher or someone giving us knowledge is one of the etiquettes in studying. Don't talk or do other things that have nothing to do with the lessons taught while learning, in the sense that we have to focus on listening and listening.

So from now on, try to stay focused and earnest in studying. Keep the spirit of learning anywhere, not only in school or in lectures, but also must be accompanied by studying religion as a provision for us to live hereafter.