Complete! This is how to hope when ill - The petition is the essential worship for each Muslim. In a day, we must hope 5 times. Individuals that are affected by the concern of the Shari'a (Muslim, baligh, smart) must implement it. Also, Allah has set the treatment for hoping when ill.
The Carrier of Allah said, "The pen (keep in mind of charity) is raised from 3 kinds of individuals: the individual that sleeps until he wakes up, the child until he gets to adolescence, and the madman until he makes good sense" (HR. AnNasa'i, Abu Dawud, Ibn Hibban).
The petition is the first act of worship that will be evaluated in the hereafter. If you don't perform the obligatory prayers, after that there's a transgression that must be birthed. From Abu Hurairah, the Carrier of Allah said, "Certainly, the first point a slave will be evaluated on on the Day of Resurrection is his petition. If his petition readies, he is certainly fortunate and effective. And if his petition is broken, he has certainly failed and shed. If it's much less compared to the obligatory petition, after that Allah says, 'See if My slave has sunnah prayers. After that so will all his deeds." (HR. Tirmidhi).
Remedy for Allah
However, Allah gives alleviation to those people that cannot perform the obligatory prayers. For instance, individuals that get on a journey, and individuals that are ill. Because of their weak physical problem, there are ill individuals that are not able to perform prayers standing and with proper movements. Here are the treatments for hoping when ill that need attention.
How to Hope When Ill
1. Work on Time sums up, hoping when ill must still be done inning accordance with time. Also if you're ill, try not to finish the obligatory prayers. Moreover, doing it outside the supposed petition time.
However, if carrying out prayers on schedule becomes challenging, after that hoping when you're ill may be combined or combined. Prayers that may be plural follow the treatment for plural prayers, specifically Dhuhur with Asr, and Maghrib with Isha.
The technique of application may go to completion (Jamatakhir), or at the beginning (plural taqdim). An instance of the plural takhir in the treatment for hoping when ill is carrying out the Dhuhur petition at Asr time. While the instance of plural taqdim is carrying out the Isha petition at Maghrib time.
Prayers when ill can also be summed up or qashar. For instance, when an ill individual is taking a trip to look for therapy. Prayers with a total of 4 rak'ahs may just be performed as many as 2 rak'ahs. The qashar petition may be performed until the ill individual that is taking a trip returns to his hometown.
2. Stand Up If You Can
In the treatment for hoping when ill, we are still required to stand if we are able. If you're not able to stand straight, it's permissible to lean on a stick or lean versus a wall surface.
3. Rest Mutarobi'an If You Can't Stand
When we can't stand, we can hope while resting. Being in the petition treatment when ill is mutarobi'an resting, which is resting with your legs crossed under your thighs. Resting mutarobi'an is done when doing standing and bowing movements.
But when you want to prostrate, the more crucial point is to take a seat by resting muftarisyan, which resembles resting when you begin tasyahud.
4. Petition While Existing
If you truly can't take a seat, you can hope existing down. In the treatment, existing down is meant to rest in your corner (ideally laterally to the right side) and the body is guided towards the Qibla. When you truly can't do it, you can hope in any instructions.
If you truly can't hope while existing in your corner, you can hope while resting on your back. Mainly facing the Qibla instructions. If you can, raise yourgoingslightly so that you could seem facing the Qibla. If you're not able to do so, after that you can hope under any circumstances.
In the treatment for hoping when ill by existing down, the movements of bowing and prostration are performed withgoingmovements or motions. When prostrating, thegoinggives a reduced indication compared to when bowing.
If you're able to do among them (able to bow but not able to prostrate, or able to prostrate but not able to bow), after that do the movements that can usually be done. Movements that cannot be performed are changed with motions.
5. With the Blink of an Eye
If you're not able to bow and prostrate with thegoingindicate, that after that, it's permissible to bow and prostrate with the blink of an eye. In the treatment, while existing down, the indication for prostration is finished with a much deeper wink compared to the blink indicate for bowing.
If it's not feasible to do an indication with the blink of an eye, after that it's permissible to do it quietly. Customarily in the petition, he still recites the Takbir and reads the letter. However, when you do the movements of standing, bowing, prostration, and resting, you must imagine it in your heart.
Ease in The treatment for hoping when ill is a type of love and ease from Allah. Allah doesn't want to difficulty His slaves. Allah says, "So fear Allah as long as you can" (Surah AtTaghabun: 16).