The Law of Karma According to Islam, Can You Believe in Karma? - How often have you heard that bad people who are mean to others will get the law of karma?
The law of karma according to Islam is interesting to explain. The term karma is often used in Buddhism or Hinduism. Karma is related to the law of cause and effect, which means that all human actions will have consequences for the perpetrator in the future.
The real meaning of the word karma is action. The term karma is often connoted as something scary. Most people sometimes still fail to understand the true meaning of this term. The word karma itself comes from Sanskrit which means action or deed.
If described, karma itself is an abstract thing that comes from ourselves and one day will return to us. In Sanskrit terms, actions and the results that will be obtained from these actions are called karmaphala, while the consequences resulting from actions are called karma vipaka.
When viewed from the term, karma does not exist in the treasures of Islam. But Islamic teachings agree that bad behavior will result in an evil as well. So that Muslims are required to always do good.
Then, what about the Islamic view of the term karma itself? Check out the full review
Karma in Islam
The term karma itself is actually never mentioned in Islamic laws. However, in the teachings of Islam, it is agreed that bad behavior will result in badness as well. Vice versa.
Law of Karma According to Islam Islam does not recognize the term karma. In Islam, what we get today cannot be seen as karma from past actions. Because, it is unseen or only Allah SWT knows.
For example, if someone is seriously ill, it cannot be immediately assumed that it is the karma of an action that has been done. The reason is, it could be a test given from Allah SWT. Therefore, it can be said that the law of cause and effect is supernatural and only Allah knows best. Guessing the unseen is actually a big sin of shirk.
The Doctrine of a Kind of Karma in Islam Quoted from the Comparison of Madzhab Darussalam Gontor University, Islamic teachings also recognize the doctrine of cause and effect as Islam teaches that good deeds will have good results and bad behavior will also have bad consequences. The consequences of human actions can even sometimes be felt in the world, even though it is actually a divine secret. This is certainly similar to karma.
The following is an explanation of the origin of the word karma
The word karma comes from a Sanskrit word which means action, work or motion. Karma (actions) leave karma vasana (traces of actions) which will someday appear as karmaphala (fruits of karma, results of actions) that will determine the good and bad of our life journey. If our karma is good (subha karma) then we will get a smooth and happy life journey. Meanwhile, if our karma is not good (asubha karma) then we will get a heavy and miserable life experience. Below are various forms of karma. Actually, there are many forms of karma, which are broadly grouped into eight main forms of karma, namely as follows.
Mohaniya Karma
This karma will cloud our consciousness or hinder the improvement of the quality of our consciousness. Makes you fall into the dark without any light so you can't see what's good and what's not.
Darsanavaraniya Karma
Karma that blocks our physical abilities and eliminates the sensory abilities within us.
Jnanaravaniya Karma
Karma that hinders the absorption of knowledge. This karma will make it difficult for us to match up with science so that it makes the mind dull, less intelligent, and deadlocked.
Antaraya Karma
Karma that prevents us from doing good, receiving gifts, or enjoying the fruits of our labor.
Vedaniya Karma
Karma that affects emotions, feelings, and positive negative thoughts. For example, some are easily angered, some are patient, some are humorous, some are gloomy and some are brave, some are cowardly. This karma is formed from the accumulation of qualities in living a previous or current life. If we live a good life for all beings, we will get good karma, while if we live a life that hurts and harms other beings, we will get bad karma.
Ayusua Karma
Karma that takes us to the afterlife. This karma is formed from the accumulation of our karma during life which will determine whether we will go to bhur loka, swah/svarga loka, or directly reborn.
Name Karma
Karma determines what kind of creature we are born in and what physical body condition we are in.
Gotra Karma
Karma determines the fate of our lives, such as where, what kind of environment and family situation we are born with and who we meet.
However, many believe that the majority of the rewards for our actions in this world will occur in the afterlife, in the afterlife and after the apocalypse arrives.