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THE MONTH OF MUHARRAM: HISTORY, IMPORTANT EVENTS, VIRTUES, AND PRACTICES OF THE SUNNAH - The month of Muharram is the first month in the Hijri schedule. What is the background of the month of Muharram, and what are the merits and methods of sunnah in this month? Here is the conversation.

The Hijri schedule begins with the month of Muharram. It's a marvelous month in the view of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. It has a wide range of merits and has a crucial background in the background of Muslims.Background of the Month of Muharram

The month of Muharram (المحرم) from the words haram (حرم) which is divine or prohibited. It's called Muharram because, since old times, this month isn't enabled to combat & eliminate. The ban continued in force until the Islamic duration. Also, the month of Muharram is among the illegitimate months.

The Arabs both before the moment of the Carrier of Allah as well as in the moment when he didn't have a year number. They used to name the year using the significant occasions that occurred because of the year.

For instance, there's a year that's declared to be the year of the elephant (Amul fil) because year there was an occasion of an elephant military under the management of Abrahah that was mosting likely to ruin the Kaaba. There's a year called the fijar year (Amul fijar) because during that time there was a fijar battle. There's a year that's considered a nubuwah year because that year the Carrier of Allah received discovery.

In the 3rd year of the regime of Umar container Khattab Radhi Allahu 'anhu, there came an issue that was skilled by the federal government official. The lack of year numbers makes some federal government authorities challenged. Among them was Governor Basrah Abu Musa Al Asy'ari radhiyallahu 'anhu.

On Abu Musa's complaint, Umar, later on, released the Islamic schedule. After deliberations using prominent friends, Umar determined that the beginning of the Islamic schedule started with the hijra year of the Carrier of Allah. Hence the Islamic schedule is known using the name the Hijri schedule.

Additionally, what month is the first month of the Hijri year? Uthman ibn Affan suggested Muharram. Why? Since the Arabs considered Muharram to be the first month. Second, Muslims have finished the hajj in the month of Dzulhijjah. 3rd, the month of Muharram is the month of the development of the decision of the hijra to Medina after the Dzulhijjah occurred in Baiat Aqabah II.

So be Muharram as the first month of the Hijri schedule.

Muharram is a hijri new year.

Important Occasions in the Month of Muharram

Many important events occurred within the month of Muharram. Beginning with the moment of the previous Prophet to the moment of Islam.

Some of the crucial events in the month of Muharram before the moment of the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam are as complies with:

The prophet Adam 'alaihis salam repented to Allah based upon and Allah approved his Torah.

Prophet Noah's deliver 'alaihis salam docked on the capital of Zuhdi after the devastating flooding that sank was typically controlled by the residents of the planet during that time.

Congratulations on Prophet Ibrahim's alaihis introductions based upon the torment of the termination of King Namrud.

The prophet Joseph 'alaihis salam was free inning accordance with Egyptian jails.

The appearance of the Prophet Jonah 'alaihis welcomed inning by the tummy of the fish securely.

Allah recovered the Prophet Job 'alaihis salam inning accordance with his disease.

Allah conserved the Prophet Moses 'alaihis salam & drowned Pharaoh.

On the other hand, important events in the month of Muharram that occurred throughout the Islamic duration consist of the following:

In Muharram 1 H, there was a decision to emigrate to Medina after Dzulhijjah occurred in Baiat Aqabah II.

In Muharram 7 H, there was a Khaibar battle. The Muslims won using resounding.

On 1 Muharram 24 A.Decoration., Umar ibn Khattab was hidden after the martyrdom of Abu Li'lu'ah a Magi.

On 10 Muharram 61 H, there was a great calamity. Husain, grand son of the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, and his family were killed in Karbala.

The Merits of the Month of Muharram

Muharram is a marvelous month on the side of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala with some of its merits. Here are the

3 merits of the Month of Muharram:

Haram Month

The month of Muharram is an illegitimate one-month mistake. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala said:

Certainly, the variety of moons on God's side is 2 twelve months, in God's decrees when He formed the paradises & the planet, which 4 months are illegitimate. That's (the mandate) of a righteous idea, so you will not persecute on your own because of 4th month. (QS. At Taubah: 36)

The 4 illegitimate months described in Sura At Taubah verse 36 are the months of Dzulqidah, Dzulhijjah, Muharram & Rajab.

Ashurul haram (haram month), consisting of the month of Muharram, is the pietistic month of Allah. These months have chastity, & hence the month of choice. Amongst the forms of chastity &glory of these months is that Muslims should not most likely battle unless forced; when assaulted by the infidels. Muslims are advised to keep away from persecution throughout the haram month.

Month of God

The second merit of the month of Muharram is, that this month is declared to be syahrullah (month of Allah). The Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:

"The essential fasting for the conclusion (fasting) of Ramadan is fasting in the shahrullah (month of Allah) which is Muharram. While one of the most primary petitions after petition should be the night petition." (HR. Muslim)

Az Zamakhsyari discussed, "The month of Muharram is considered syahrullah (month of Allah), recited in lafazh jalalah 'Allah' to show up marvelous & marvelous of this month. As we call 'Baitullah' (the home of Allah) or 'Ahlullah' (the family of Allah) when we call Quraysh. The unique delivery here & not we have encountered in the various other months, this shows the primacy of this month."

Whereas Al Hafizh Abul Fadhl Al 'Iraqi mentioned, Muharram is called shahrullah because this month is prohibited to eliminate & it's the first month of the year.

The Fasting Time of Tasu'a and Ashura

The 3rd magnificence based upon this month is the annihilation of the fasting of tasu'a and ayura. Also the fasting of tasu'a & Ashura and various other sunnah fasts (Monday Thursday, ayamul bidh, fasting of David), its worth becomes one of the most marvelous fasts after Ramadan.

The Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:

The essential fast after Ramadan fasting is (fasting) in the month of Allah, Muharram. (HR. Muslim)

Particularly, the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam revealed the merits of Ashura fasting in his words :

The Prophet was inquired about the fasting of Ashura, and he replied, "he could remove sins a year later on." (HR. Muslim)

When it comes to the tasu'a fast, the Carrier of Allah had the opportunity to practice it, although he didn't have time to perform it because he passed away before MuharamMuharram came. After that his buddies exercised the tasu'a fast as they imagine the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam:

"If next year (we are still provided a lengthy life), we'll fast on tasu'a (9th) day." (HR. As-Suyuthi based upon Ibn Abbas told Al Albani in Shahihul Jami')The Practice of Sunnah in the Month of Muharram

After that what are the methods of sunnah in the month of Muharram whose merits of timing have been discussed? Here are some of them:

Multiplying sunnah fasting

The first practice of sunnah in this month is to increase the fasting of the sunnah. The primary fast of the sunnah is the fasting of the sunnah in this month as the Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:

The primary fast after Ramadan fasting is (fasting) in the month of Allah, Muharram. (HR. Muslim)

Ibn Rajab hinted that the fast concerned is an outright sunnah fast, not a muqayyad sunnah. Umar, Aisyah, and Abu Tholhah were amongst the shahabats that were not eaten during the haram months consisting of the month of Muharram.

Ashura Fasting

Specifically fasting on the 10th of Muharram. This is the supreme charity > the best sunnah fasting in the month of Muharram whose merit is to have the ability to remove the sins of a year.

The Prophet was inquired about the fasting of Ashura, and he replied, "he could remove the sins of a year back." (HR. Muslims)

Tasu'a Fasting

Specifically fasting on the 9th of Muharram. The Carrier of Allah had the opportunity to do it, although he had not had time to fulfill it because he passed away before that time came. After that his buddies exercised the fast of tasu'a, for instance, the imagine the Carrier of Allaah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam:

"If next year (we are still provided a lengthy life), we'll fast on tasu'a (9th) day." (HR. As-Suyuthi; shahih)

Assisting others

The next practice of the sunnah is to put space on the family, consisting of spouses and children, on the day of Ashura. Giving this space means assisting them and pleasing them. For instance, open up together with the place to live to consume, put presents, & the such as.

Sayyid Sabiq on fiqih Sunnah made a unique title (How to commemorate the day of Ashura). Sayyid Sabiq lists this hadith under the title:

"Whoever gives space to himself - for his family on the day of Ashura, after that Allah will give space for him throughout the year" (HR. Baihaqi)