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Legal conditions for wrapping the corpse

Legal conditions for wrapping the corpse

1. Minimum Limit is considered valid in Wrapping the Corpse

Related to the rights of Allah

The least in wrapping a corpse that is associated with the rights of Allah is a single layer of cloth that covers the body's genitals (things that must be covered). If the corpse is male then the cloth covering the object between the navel and the knee. If the corpse is a woman, then a cloth that covers the entire body except the face and palms.

Related to the rights of corpses

At least in wrapping the corpse if it is related to the rights of the corpse, it is a single layer of cloth that covers the entire body of the corpse, both female and male corpses. Except for the head of a muhrim (a man who dies during ihram) and the face of a muhrimah (a woman who dies during ihram).

If the shroud is taken from the TIRKAH (the inheritance of the corpse) and there is no debt that can deplete the inheritance of the corpse, then the minimum amount of wrapping the corpse is obligatory three layers. Each layer covers the entire body of the corpse.

If the shroud is taken from someone else's property or from a beetul mal, if now it is usually taken from the death money managed by the DKM (Masjid Prosperity Council) or RT (Rukun Tetangga), the point is that the shroud belongs to the public and not from inheritance. corpse. then it is haram (forbidden) to add it from one layer.

Problems that occur in society.

It is a fact in society that the person who died before his death did not prepare the shroud, or his heirs did not buy the shroud, even though the person who died left a large inheritance/wealth sufficient to buy a three-layered shroud. 

However, to wrap the corpse, they always take it from the public shroud. Then a problem arises, if you see the inheritance of the corpse, then the corpse must be wrapped in three layers, but if you see a public shroud, it is obligatory to use only one layer and it is forbidden (forbidden) to add more than one layer. 

So the solution is to wrap the corpse in three layers of shroud, then the heirs pay money to replace the public shroud with money taken from the inheritance of the corpse.

2. The Limit of Perfection Wrapping the Corpse

a. Male corpse

It is recommended and even better (afdhol) for the male corpse to be wrapped in three layers of shroud, each layer covering the entire body of the corpse without wearing a turban and robe. 

Because there is a hadith Bukhari Muslim received from Siti Aisyah RA. that Rasulullah SAW. wrapped in a white and soft three-layer shroud without wearing a turban and not wearing a robe. 

And it is permissible if it is added with a turban and a robe because Abdullah bin Umar also wrapped his son's body with five layers, three layers of shroud covering the entire body of the corpse and then added a robe and turban. 

However, adding a robe and a turban is a khilaful hall (leaving what is more important) if the heirs are pleased with oragree to it, but if the heirs are not pleased or do not approve of wrapping the corpse in a robe and turban, then the law becomes haram (forbidden). (Nihayatuzain Pages 151-152)

b. Female corpse Or Sissy

The Sunnah for the corpse of a woman or sissy is five layers as has been done by the Prophet Muhammad. against his daughter, Umm Kulthum. The five layers are:

The first layer of izar is a cloth that covers the area between the navel and the knee.

The second layer is a robe (qomis) which is like a robe that is used by people who are still alive.

The third layer is the veil (khimar) which is a cloth that covers the head.

The fourth and fifth layers are two layers of shroud that cover the entire body of the corpse.