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The meaning of the title Al-Amin Rasulullah SAW and his example

The meaning of the title Al-Amin Rasulullah SAW and his example - For Muslims, of course, they are very close and know the figure of the prophet Muhammad SAW, the prophet as well as the last apostle who became a role model for his people.

Through his figure who became an example for his people, it is not surprising that the prophet Muhammad received many titles, one of which was the title of Al-Amin. What is the meaning of the title Al-Amin given to the Messenger of Allah?

The Meaning and Meaning of the title Al-Amin Rasulullah

Al-Amin means trustworthy. Prophet Muhammad SAW bears the title Al-Amin because of the example of the Prophet, trustworthy, trustworthy and honest.

This title was given by the residents of Mecca directly to the Prophet. His example and good attitude became a role model and was so respected by the people of Mecca that they made them believe in the Prophet Muhammad as the right person to bear the title.

This exemplary attitude of the Prophet has been proven in various situations. People realized that the Messenger of Allah was an honest person, when he traded he would say what it was about the condition of his merchandise.

Prophet Muhammad will also tell the truth if the goods have defects or things happen that affect his merchandise.

In addition, the Prophet Muhammad also did not take profit or profit in determining the selling price. He is also very trustworthy in delivering goods according to the quality desired by customers and is known to be very kind when doing trade.

This has become the habit of the Prophet to always be kind, trustworthy and honest and make many people believe and imitate him.

Background of Awarding Al-Amin

At one time, when the Prophet Muhammad entered the age of 35 years there had been a fairly large and detrimental incident in Mecca. At that time there was a large enough flash flood in the Grand Mosque and damaged the Kaaba. Therefore, the Quraysh wanted to repair the Kaaba which had been damaged.

After the repair of the Kaaba, there was a considerable dispute between the Quraysh regarding who was worthy of laying the Black Stone. This dispute also found a bright spot when finally one of the oldest people there, namely Abu Umayyah bin Mughirah, provided a solution.

He said that whoever steps foot first to the door of as-Shofa then he is the one who will determine the laying of the Black Stone later. As if it was a destiny from Allah SWT, the first person who passed through the door was the Prophet Muhammad.

Immediately after going through it, the Quraysh said that he was Al-Amin, who was destined and carried the mandate to do the laying of the Black Stone. The Quraysh also said that they were pleased if the Messenger of Allah placed the Black Stone.

Together with the tribal leaders, the Prophet Muhammad was helped to put the Black Stone back to its original place. Since then the Prophet was given the title Al-Amin which has been recognized by the people.

Already Know the Meaning of the title Al-Amin belonging to the Prophet Muhammad SAW?

Born from a respectable family that highly values kindness and exemplary, the Prophet Muhammad was nicknamed Al-Amin as a trustworthy figure.

Since young until now everyone has known all the role models of the Prophet Muhammad who became an example for all Muslims and Muslim women around the world. All the hard work and efforts, as well as the persistence of the Prophet Muhammad succeeded in making Islam so big and strong today.

If you are a Muslim, of course the Prophet Muhammad must be a real example as a role model for us during our religious and national life. All of his examples are not only examples but also change and are able to bring us to be the best version of ourselves.