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6 prohibitions that should not be violated by Muslims

MUSLIMCREED Each verse of the Qur'an certainly has its own meaning and each meaning can always be used as a way of life for Muslims. One of the verses that is full of meaning in life is Surah Al Maidah verse 2. Then, what content is in that verse?

In verse 2, there are a number of rules that Allah sent down starting from the prohibition of violating Allah's symbols, the prohibition of violating the honor of the forbidden month, to the prohibition of doing persecution. Then, the most popular is that this verse commands mutual assistance in virtue and piety and prohibits mutual assistance in sins and transgressions.

Surah Al Maidah consists of 120 verses; belongs to the Madaniyyah group of letters. Even though there is a verse that was revealed in Mecca, this verse was revealed after the Prophet Muhammad SAW. migrated to Medina, namely at the time of Hajj wada '.

The Goods Contained in Surah Al Maidah Verse 2

There are a number of goodness contained in Surah Al Maidah verse 2:

Do not hate or revenge. Let's forgive the evil of others and repay with good deeds.

Live together and help each other and help in goodness.

Contents in Surah Al Maidah Verse 2

In the second verse of Al Maidah, Allah explains to those who believe; Six important prohibitions that should not be violated are:

1. Violating Allah's Prohibitions

Violating the prohibitions of Allah, namely violating the practices and provisions set by Allah in the pilgrimage and others.

The first point of Surah Al Maidah verse 2 is the prohibition of violating Allah's symbols.

2. Violating the Honor of the Haram Month

Violating the honor of the forbidden months, namely the months of Zulkaidah, Zulhijah, Muharam and Rajab, which are forbidden in those months to fight except for self-defense because of being attacked.

In other words, must respect him and acknowledge his greatness and leave the things that Allah forbade at that time. For example fighting and committing injustice.

3. Disturbing Hadyu animals

Disturbing Hadyu animals, namely camels, oxen and the like, goats, sheep and the like which are presented to the Kaaba to get closer to Allah, slaughtered in the forbidden land and their meat is given to the poor.

The third point of Surah Al Maidah verse 2 is the prohibition of disturbing hadya and qalaid.

Hadya is an animal such as a camel, cow or goat that is presented to the Baitullah. According to the majority of scholars, this is general in nature and includes all animals that are slaughtered and given in charity to draw closer to Allah.

Qalaid is an al hadyu animal marked with a necklace. Namely al hadyu sunnah, nadzar, qiran or tamattu '. While the mandatory al hadyu is not marked with a necklace.

4. Disturbing People Who Visit the Baitullah

Obstructing and disturbing people who visit the Baitullah to seek God's bounty (sustenance) such as trading and seeking His pleasure, namely performing Hajj and Umrah.

The point is don't disturb them, don't hinder them. Including the merchants who come to the Baitullah to seek His bounty. Initially, through this verse Allah forbade the believers to prevent anyone from coming to the Baitullah even though he was a polytheist.

5. Prohibition of Hunting During Hajj

The fifth point of Surah Al Maidah verse 2 is the prohibition of hunting during Hajj.

6. Prohibition of Persecution

The sixth point of Surah Al Maidah verse 2 is the prohibition of doing persecution even to the people who block it from the Grand Mosque.

7. Duty to Help

The seventh point of Surah Al Maidah verse 2 is the obligation to help each other in virtue and piety.

8. Commands of Taqwa

Taqwa is what encapsulates everything and is the key to salvation from His punishment.