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Heart disease in Islam that a Muslim should avoid - When mentioning or discussing liver illness in an Islamic point of view, usually what is meant isn't physical liver illness such as hepatitis, liver, cirrhosis, and so forth.

In Islam, liver illness has 2 significances. What is meant by cardiovascular disease in Islam is more to the destruction of one's views and wishes towards the reality or reality that's before him.

Inning accordance with al-Ghazali, launching from the Journal of Islamic Therapy Assistance, the call heart which describes the heart can imply the physical (physical) heart which is the facility of blood circulation and the spiritual (internal) heart which is the facility of feeling, in the sense of refined sensations (Lathifah).

The spiritual heart describes a specify of backward and forward in production choices, nourishing the spirit by giving light and knowledge. The physical heart has a great influence on the health and wellness of the body and the spiritual heart has a great influence on psychological health and wellness.

Both cannot be separated. Illness of the heart that come from this spiritual world also differ. The following is a total description of cardiovascular disease in Islam, from the meaning, causes, to the kinds that you should avoid.

Liver Illness in Islamic Point of view

In the Islamic point of view, cardiovascular disease is often related to some bad high top qualities or despicable habits (al-akhlaq al-mazmumah), such as envy, envy, arrogant, psychological and so forth.

To quote Dr. HM. Zainuddin, MA in Liver Illness and Therapy Techniques, Hasan Muhammad as-Syarqawi in his book Nahw 'Scientific Nafsi splits liver illness right into 9 components, specifically:

display (riya'),

upset (al-ghadhab),

irresponsible and forgetful (al-ghaflah wan nisyah),

was-was (al-was-wasah),

frustrated (al-ya's),

money grubbing (tama'),

tricked (al-ghurur),

arrogant (al-ujub),

envy and envy (al-hasd wal hiqd).

Some of the over despicable characteristics have significance to psychological disease. Because, in psychological health and wellness (psychological health) these qualities are an indicator of human psychological disease (psychoses). So, usually the patient has among these bad high top qualities as an indication that he is certainly psychologically sick.

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Kinds of Heart Illness in Islam

Inning accordance with Islamic thinkers, the kinds of liver illness are through riya, hasad, envy, greed, misgivings, greed and so forth. Here are some explanations about the kinds of liver illness in Islam, mentioning Shaykh Ahmad Farid in guide Management of the Heart of the Salaf Ulama:

1. Riya

The first illness of the heart in Islam is riya. In the illness of riya, there's an aspect of deceptiveness towards oneself as well as others, because essentially it reveals something that's not according to the real reality.

In riya, there's an aspect of pretense, hypocrisy, all his habits has the tendency to anticipate praise from others, mores than happy with achievement and power. This characteristic is explained in the Qur'an an-Nisa':142 and at-Taubah:67 as well as the hadith of the Prophet: "What I worry most about my individuals is riya' and hidden desire".

Riya some are clear and some are unclear. Riya that's clear is riya that becomes a trigger and motivation for someone to do something, although he also anticipates a benefit.

While unclear riya is riya that doesn't inspire someone to act, various other compared to production the work intended to gain the enjoyment of Allah really feels light. For instance, individuals used to hope tahajjud every evening and feel hefty, but when there are visitors in his house he becomes energetic in hoping tahajjud and really feels light.

2. Arrogant

The second illness of the heart in Islam is satisfaction. Arrogance is an extremely bad cardiovascular disease. Arrogant individuals are reluctant to approve the reality, decline it and appearance down on it. And this happens because of sensations of satisfaction and grandeur (arrogance).

The points that are usually happy with include; boasting of knowledge, social condition and family tree, riches, boasting of fans, advocates and teams.

Arrogance can occur in a person's movements such as looking away, looking down at one eye (negative) or in his words to his articulate and intonation. Arrogance can not be shed simply by hopeful thinking, but with a therapy process that requires 2 stages.

The initial stage, how to overcome it must be done clinically and virtually at the same time. Clinical therapy is done by knowing oneself and acknowledging the qualities of the Lord. The second phase is to remove the signs of arrogance that all of a sudden show up because of points that can trigger arrogance.

3. Ujub or Ajub

The 3rd illness of the heart in Islam is ujub or satisfaction. Know that ujub or satisfaction is an act that's reproached in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Carrier.

Mentioning is an outcome of the attitude of presuming great deeds which consists of ujub. Ujub can lead to arrogance. Individuals that have the nature of ujub are tricked by themselves and their own viewpoints, feel safe from Allah's penalty, feel they have a high position with Allah and don't want to listen to advice or advice from others.

This can lead to real destruction. People should ask Allah permanently help to follow Him. After that the cure is knowledge that can fight this lack of knowledge.

4. Envy and Envy

The 4th illness of the heart in Islam is envy and envy. Envy and envy are outward signs that sometimes indicate internal sensations. However, these signs are difficult to spot because someone will try their best to conceal them.

Generally, it can be said that envy occurs consequently of one's failing to accomplish an objective. Therefore, this feeling is very complex and is composed basically of a feeling of belonging. However, it's also inaccurate to think about envy as a collection of rage, belongingness and reduced self-confidence. Envy and envy have their own qualities.

And amongst the signs that show up is rage in all its forms from striking, criticizing, disparaging, exposing various other people's secrets, and so forth.

On the other hand, the second envy is centered more on disgust for what other individuals have, both relates to material and relates to position/position. This kind of envy, inning accordance with As-Syarqawi, has the tendency to lead to antipathy and also hostility towards others. Its development is triggered by a feeling of satisfaction, satisfaction, taunting, and the fear of shedding one's position.


Resource : muslimkaffah