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As Muslims, of course, they are familiar with the words faith and piety, since childhood Muslims have been taught to be servants who believe and fear Allah SWT. In almost every study or lecture, we are certainly invited to always have faith and piety. Then what does faith and taqwa mean?

Meaning of faith in Islam

Faith comes from the Arabic "amana-yu'minu-imanan" which means to believe or justify. Faith is justifying with the heart, making a vow with the tongue and practicing with the limbs. Imam Ghazali divides human faith into three parts:

1. Taqlidi faith, namely the faith of most people who are not knowledgeable. They believe because of taqlid alone.

2. Imanistidlali, which is where they believe enough based on aqli and naqli arguments, and they are satisfied with it.

3. Tahqiqi faith, namely the faith of the experts in understanding and nature. They believe in Allah with proof through witnessing to Allah.

What are the Characteristics of a Believer?

1. Have the sensitivity and sharpness of the soul

2. Have peace of mind and peace in his heart

3. Feeling close to God and full of hope

4. Do not hesitate in fighting for Islam through wealth, property, and life

5. Loving Allah SWT, apostles and fellow human beings

6. Excellent manners

7. Loves and is obedient to worship, supports parents and is obedient to them

8. His life is a race to do good deeds.

What is Taqwa?

Taqwa comes from the word wa-qa, ya-qi-wiqayatan which means to be awake, to be preserved. In a narrow sense, taqwa means being awake and preserved from the torment of hell fire. In a broader sense, taqwa can be interpreted as being afraid and always taking care not to fall into sinful acts, having a high sense of responsibility to fulfill the obligations that must be carried out with full sincerity, honesty, and trust. The function of taqwa is as a cleanser of mental illness and a person's provision to face death.

Quoted from the book Islamic Religious Education for Higher Education, WahyudinAchmad, M. Ilyas, M. Saifulloh, and Z. Muhibbin (2013: 35) the word taqwa comes from waqa-yaqi-wiqoyoh, which etymologically means careful, alert , introspective, maintain the faith that is manifested in the practice of the teachings of Islam as a whole and consistently (istoqomah).

The definition of taqwa in terminology is explained in Al-Hadith which means carrying out all the commands of Allah SWT and staying away from all His prohibitions or imtitsalubi'awamirillahiwajtinabuannawahihi.

Characteristics of a pious person

In Surah Al-Baqarah verse 117 Allah SWT describes the characteristics of a pious person which can generally be grouped into five indicators of piety, namely:

1. Believe in Allah SWT, the angels, the books, and the prophets. The first indicator of piety is to maintain the nature of faith.

2. To give out beloved property to close relatives, orphans, poor people who are on their way, people begging for funds, people who do not have the ability to free only servants. The second indicator is love for fellow human beings which is manifested through the ability to sacrifice property.

3. Establish prayer and pay zakat. The third indicator of piety is maintaining formal worship.

4. Keep promises. The fourth indicator of taqwa is to maintain self-respect or chastity.

5. Be patient in times of hardship, hardship and at times of jihad. The fifth indicator is having a fighting spirit.

Taqwa means that based on these verses, it is emphasized that taqwa is the attitude and morals of a Muslim, which is the fruit and result of formal worship education. While the worship itself is a reflection of faith. Or in other words that taqwa is the result of worshiping Allah SWT because it is impossible for there to be taqwa without the act of worshiping Allah SWT.

How to Implement Faith and Taqwa in Answering Problems and Challenges in Modern Life?

As we know, in this modern era, many problems and challenges arise in life from various fields. These problems in the modern world are a big challenge for Muslims to become problem solvers and are not part of the problem itself. Islam was revealed to the earth as hudan li al-naas, namely guidance for mankind. As al-Din, Islam is a system of life that covers all areas of life, both social, economic, political, cultural, legal and faith issues. This is what the Qur'an hints at that we must embrace Islam kaffah (whole).

Then, what is the role of Faith and Taqwa in responding to problems and challenges in modern life? Let's look at the explanation.

Faith and piety are the most valuable provisions in this life. These two things can save us both in this world and in the hereafter. Faith is our belief in the existence of Allah SWT, angels, apostles, holy books, the last day, and destiny. Meanwhile, Taqwa is the main measure of human glory. That is, humans will be in the lower ranks in the eyes of Allah if he is not pious. On the other hand, if he is pious, then he is in a high position in the eyes of Allah. As a system, of course, taqwa will penetrate into all aspects of life. Whatever the profession and position of man, taqwa should always be attached and underlie it so that taqwa becomes the color of the personality of a Muslim.

Faith and piety are not something static, but dynamic. Faith and taqwa become the basis as well as an inspiration for progress. It is not enough for Muslims to believe in the existence and power of Allah alone, but must continue with pious deeds, namely good deeds that will provide the greatest benefit to living beings. Faith and taqwa are the basis for humans in responding to various problems and challenges in life, especially in the modern world like today. Every human being who has faith and piety will easily find a way out for every problem he experiences. Therefore, it is very important for all of us to put faith and taqwa in us as a basis for action.

Well, now you understand the implementation of Faith and Taqwa in modern life. Come on, let's apply Faith and Taqwa together in our daily lives.