What are the requirements to be able to perform plural shalat when it rains?
Back again with muslimcreed.com, with me the admin who made an article about questions and answers about Islam
there is a question that is quite interesting, as for the question: Assalamualaikum we all know that in this month it often rains, because this month is the rainy season, so the question arises. When someone prays in plural, what are the requirements to be able to perform multiple shalat when it rains, for example, to establish one's own plural shalat after performing the congregational shalat with the Imam, is it permissible?
so the case of this young man is that when he finishes in congregation in the mosque and then the imam does not perform the plural shalat, then this young man pluralizes himself. Is that like allowed?
Thank you for the question, this question is quite interesting, and those of you who are reading this don't know what form of convenience Islam provides when it comes to weather conditions that we sometimes experience.
If in our country it often rains, maybe in some parts of the country there is snow or there is a tornado or something similar, here religion provides an extraordinary convenience in carrying out congregational shalat.
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it is a relief that we are allowed to plural shalat when it rains, the scholars when explaining this problem, there are some who explain that when it is permissible for us to pray plural when it rains. they explained for example when the rain made it hard for him to come back and forth to the mosque, for example like a flood or or the rain was accompanied by a fairly heavy wind or the ground was too muddy which made the road to go to the mosque dangerous for him because of a landslide or something like a flood. So this is where we are allowed to pray together when it rains.
then the scholars also explained and this explanation was a bit controversial because what was meant by plural shalat when it rained was applied to the Maghribshalat and also the Ishashalat
because we need to be bothered if we have to come back and forth to the mosque, that's why IbnTaimiyah explained that it is permissible to pray when the ground is very muddy or the ground is very slippery then the rain is accompanied by very strong winds and accompanied by very cold air then in conditions like it is allowed to pluralize,
Then he also said if the conditions or conditions were pitch black, this means that when we attend congregational shalat in such conditions, it certainly burdens us all.
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Then for the question of what shalat are allowed to be combined when it rains, many scholars mention only Maghrib and Ishashalat, although we do not close the second opinion which says that for the Zuhur and Asrshalat it is also permissible to sing the shalat when it rains, the conditions are as follows: Earlier, for example, when it rained it really weighed on us, so don't immediately do the plural when it's only raining
Then the next thing is, is it okay if we meet the priest after we finish praying together, then we mix ourselves, then here of course we have to take the wisdom behind the relief given by our religion,
the relief given by our religion is that it is allowed to pray plural when it rains, so that we don't bother coming back and forth to the mosque, so from here we can conclude that if it is raining plural shalat which makes it difficult for him, then it must be done with other worshipers, in the sense that we carry out plural shalat with the imam of the mosque
What if the priest does not know then we can explain to the Imam. or we socialize. Because knowledge needs to be socialized otherwise he will never know forever