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It's amazing a Muslim who always wants to give charity

Who Always want to give charity?

wants to give charity

I have a letter from a friend, he is British, his name is mark, he wanted to share his experience about charity, then he contacted me via email, but because of my busy life, I never opened the email, so he came to my place and told me his experience.

The last time we met, we discussed the greetings taught by the Prophet Muhammad -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-, then we discussed charity. Then discuss the hadith from the prophet Muhammad about charity does not reduce wealth.

Then last Friday he said I've never been a charity in my life. And you know he's not a Muslim, and when we met, we sat together and discussed the hadith mentioned by the prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihiwasallam then they said, I just want to try charity, so I went to someone and gave him five reals.

I thought they really needed it when I gave 5 reals, then Mark left the place right away. Then before Mark left, he told the young man who was given the charity that in all my life I had never done charity and I tried it.

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Then mark went to the washerwoman, and the laundry owner gave Mark a discount and insisted on reducing the payment by 10 rials, and he gifted me a Pepsi how charity really changed his life

You can really make a big difference in my life, and of course he is not a Muslim, so imagine how to reflect in your life as a Muslim that

There are many charities or ways to charity, sometimes a piece of date, sometimes candy for a child, if you don't have anything to do charity work, you just have to smile for someone, then when you smile, you're doing charity,

What do you think? Mark told me, That now I want to contribute

I want to be a member of the Muslim Community, What do I want, what do I want to know, what do I have, I still have a lot of things to do charity work,

In a Muslim and how mark does it and sometimes that every time we need to do the practice and see how it is reflected in us.

I hope some of you have had this experience so that we will pause and listen to the experience for colleagues and

The purpose of this article is the Sunnah or the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihiwasallam should be applied in our lives and this is the benefit

and about this hadith, many people know about this