MuslimCreed | The author is mostly makmum, hasty in following the movements of his imam. They have moved to follow the priest, even though the priest has not finished his movements. This is clearly lacking in afdhal, and will plunge the makmum into the act of taking the imams movement, because it could be that he moves after the imam moves, but applies the imam in completing his movement. What is afdhal for a mamum is to wait until the imam has finished his movement, then the makmum has just started his movement to follow the imam. This is shown in many hadiths, including the following words of the Prophet- sallallahu alayhi wasallam:
" Indeed the priest appointed except to be followed. Therefore, if he has done takbir, then takbirlah you. If he has bowed, then bow to you. when he raises his head, then raise your head. If he has read samiallahu liman hamidah, then say rabbana walakal hamd. If he has prostrated, then prostrate yourselves.” HR. Bukhari 805, and Muslim In another authentic narration, the editorial is as follows:
" Indeed the priest appointed except to be followed. Therefore, if he has recited the takbir, then recite the takbir for you! Do not let you takbir, until he takbir! If he has bowed, then bow down to you! Do not let you bow till he bows! If he has read samiallahu liman hamidah, then say rabbana walakal hamd. If he has prostrated, then prostrate yourselves! Do not let you prostrate until he prostrates." HR. Bukhari 805, and Muslim. The side of the argument: that the Prophet- sallallahu alayhi wasallam- ordered to follow the movement after the imam has perfected his movements, then we follow him. Imam Nawawi- rahimahullah- said when reciting the above hadith:
" In this hadith there are( instructions) that it is obligatory for the congregation to follow the imam in takbir, standing, sitting, bowing, and prostration. And the makmum does that after the imam. Then the makmum performs takbiratul ihram after the completion of the priest from takbiratul ihram. If the makmum starts takbiratul ihram before the imam finishes from it; the prayer is invalid. Makmum also( should be) bowing after the priest performs bowing and before the priest raises his head from bowing, if the makmum coincides with or precedes the imam; then he has done bad... Likewise in prostration. The Makmum also( should) greet after the Imam has finished greeting. If he greets before the greeting of the imam; then his prayer is invalid... When he greets with his imam, neither before nor after; then he has done bad. Syarh Nawawi Ala Sahih Muslim 4/ 132. And this is in accordance with the practice of the Companions in ancient times, as conveyed by Teman Bara- radhiallahu anhu:
" Indeed, the companions used to pray with the Messenger of Allah- sallallaahu alaihi wasallam-. If he bows, then they bow. If he lifts his head from bowing and he reads samiallahu liman hamidah, then we will continue to stand, until we see that he has actually put his face on the earth, then we will follow him.[HR. Muslims: 474]. This hadith very clearly shows that the companions of the past- radhiallahu anhum- did not move to follow the movements of the Prophet- sallallaahu alahi wasallam- in their prayers, except after he was perfect in their movements. And thats what we should do, as the friends did. In conclusion: if we see the priest bowing, then in fact we remain standing until the priest ruku is in perfect condition, then we immediately bow after that. Likewise, if we see the priest prostrating, then in fact we remain standing until the imam is prostrating in perfect condition, then immediately prostrate after that. Likewise in other prayer movements.