How to pray complete Tarawih and Witr, alone at home or in congregation
Ramadan is just around the corner. All Muslims in the world are waiting for this special holy month. As is known, the month of Ramadan is synonymous with fasting and performing Tarawih prayers. The tarawih and witr prayers also have a different number of rak'ahs. A number of scholars say
11, 23 or even 39. All of which are judged correct, depending on their respective abilities and beliefs.
Tarawih itself literally means 'resting', which refers to the rest between four rak'ahs. The word Tarawih is taken from Arabic, or what is commonly called Tarweeha, Teraweh, Taraweh, or Tarwih. Tarawih means "a moment to rest". Tarawih prayer is a sunnah prayer that is performed specifically in the month of Ramadan.
"Whoever worships in the month of Ramadan while having faith and sincerity, his past sins will be forgiven." .
As a Muslim, you should understand the procedures for praying tarawih and witr yourself at home. There is a difference with tarawih and witr prayers in congregation in a mosque where you only have to follow the imam, when you pray alone, you must know the reading of intentions and procedures for tarawih correctly so that it is valid.
As a sunnah worship that is full of virtues in the month of Ramadan, it is appropriate for us to carry out tarawih and witr prayers every day. For the sake of getting the pleasure of Allah SWT in this blessed month.
Check out the complete tarawih and witr prayers individually at home or in congregation below, as compiled from various sources.
Reading the Intention of Praying Tarawih Alone at Home and Congregation
Tarawih prayer is one of the practices in enlivening every night of the month of Ramadan or called Qiyamu Ramadan. Tarawih prayer as a special worship in the month of Ramadan. The law of carrying it out is sunnah mu'akkadadah or sunnah prayers which are highly recommended. Both for men and women.
The following is the reading of the intention to pray tarawih alone, as an imam, and as a Makmum:
Tarawih Prayer Intentions Alone
"Ushollii sunnatat-taroowiihi rok'ataini mustaqbilal qiblati lillaahi ta'alaa.
Tarawih Prayer Intentions as an imam
"Ushalli sunnatat Tarāwīhi rak'atayni mustaqbilal qiblati adā'an imāman lillaahi ta'alaa.
Tarawih Prayer Intentions as a makmum
"Ushalli sunnatat Tarāwīhi rak'atayni mustaqbilal qiblati adā'an ma'mūman lillāhi ta'ālā.
How to Pray Tarawih Alone at Home
As we all know, congregational prayer does have its own privileges.
"Prayer in congregation is better than praying alone by twenty-seven degrees." .
Even so, some people are sometimes forced to perform the tarawih and witr prayers alone at home. In general, the tarawih prayer itself at home is enough to do as much as 11 rakaat, consisting of 8 rakaat tarawih prayer and 3 rakaat witr prayer.
The procedure of tarawih prayer is done as many as 2 rak'ahs with 1 salutation like other sunnah prayers. You can do tarawih prayers for 8 rak'ahs with every 2 rak'ahs ending with a greeting as usual.
After that, it is continued with witr prayers which are performed for 3 rak'ahs, 1 time of tahiyat/tasyahud and ended with 1 time of salutation.
The procedure of tarawih prayers is actually similar to the usual way of performing obligatory prayers. Including movement and reading. The difference between the tarawih prayer procedure and the obligatory prayer lies in the reading of the intention only.
Here's the procedure for praying tarawih yourself at home that you can do:
1. Takbiratul Ihram
2. Reading the Iftitah Prayer
3. Read Surah Al-Fatihah
4. Reading the Koran
5. Ruku'
6. I'tidal
7. Prostrate
8. Iftirasy (Sitting Between Two Prostrations)
9. Second prostration
Stand up to do the second rak'ah.
10. Read Surah Al-Fatihah
11. Reading the Koran
12. Ruku'
13. I'tidal
14. Prostrate
15. Iftirasy (Sitting Between Two Prostrations)
16. Second prostration
17. Final Tasyahhud
18. Regards
Reading the Intention of Praying Witr Alone and in Congregation
As previously explained, the number of rak'ahs of tarawih prayers that are commonly done is 8 rak'ahs of tarawih prayers plus 3 rak'ahs of witr prayers.
The tarawih prayer should be closed with the witr prayer with an odd number of rak'ahs. Witr prayer intentions vary, depending on the number of 1 rakaat or 3 rakaat.
Intention of praying witr 1 rakaat
For those of you who want to do the witr prayer alone at home with only 1 rakaat, here is an intention reading that can be memorized.
"Ushallii sunnatal witri rok 'ataini lillaahi ta'alaa.
It means I intend to pray one rakaat of witr because of Allah ta'ala. I intend to pray
3 raka'ats of witr 1 time greetings
Meanwhile, for those of you who want to perform the witr prayer alone or munfarid as much as 3 rakaat. The following is the reading of the witr prayer intention with 3 rak'ahs closed with 1 greeting.
"Ushallii sunnatal witri tsalaasa roka'aatain lillaahi ta'alaa.
It means
"I intend to pray three rak'ahs of witr because Allah ta'alaa."
Intention to pray Witr
in congregation Ushalli sunnatan minal witri rak'atan mustaqbilal qiblati ada'an lillahi ta'ala.
It means . : "I deliberately pray the sunnah prayer witr prayer one rakaat by facing the Qibla as an imam/mammum because of Allah Ta'ala.
Procedure for praying Witr
The procedure for praying witr can be carried out stretching from after the Isha prayer until dawn. The number of rak'ahs of witr prayer can be 1, 3, 5, 7 to 11 rak'ahs. The rak'ahs in the witr prayer are an odd number. Which can be done with every 2 rak'ahs and one tasyahud. But what is commonly done in a series of tarawih prayers is 1 and 3 rak'ahs.
"Indeed, Allah the Most High has provided you with a prayer that is better for you than the best animals, namely the prayer of
Witr. He made it for you between the prayer of Isha until dawn.".
"O people who are guided by the Qur'an, do the Witr prayer because in fact Allah SWT Witr and loves Witr.
In doing the witr prayer 3 rak'ahs, can be done two rak'ahs and then end with 1 rak'ah. With 1 tasyahud and 1 salutation each.
It is also possible to do 3 rak'ahs at once with 1 salutation.
The procedure of witr prayer of 3 rak'ahs itself is actually the same as the procedure of obligatory prayer that is usually performed, the only difference is the intention and the number of rak'ahs.
1. The procedure for the first witr prayer is to read the intention that can be read in the heart or orally.
2. Doing takbiratul ihram.
3. Reading Al-Fatihah
4. Reading Short Letters
5. Ruku'
6. I'tidal
7. Prostrate
8. Tahiyatul Akhir
9. Greetings
If so, continue with reading wirid and prayers after tarawih and witr. So that your worship in the month of Ramadan will be more perfect and accepted by Allah SWT. Amen. Wallahu 'nature.