Hijab is the command of Allah SWT
Hijab is the command of Allah SWT
Islam regulates the limits of aurat for women, namely the whole body except what is allowed to be shown. "Illaamaazhaharaminha." That is, the face and both palms.
The form of hijab worn by women does not only function to cover their nakedness (aurat) physically.
Some scholars say, the purpose of the 31st verse of Surah an-Nur is anything that is visible from the clothes worn. The thing is clear, Islam dictates, clothing must be loose.
It is stated in a hadith that women who are clothed but naked are members of the Hellfire. "Nisaa' kaasiyaatun 'aariyaatun." It was called so because the clothes the woman wore were so tight that the curves of her body were still visible.
Allah Ta'ala emphasized that the hijab worn by Muslim women must be completely loose and cover all sides of the body. Thus, there is no gap to reveal some of their aurat and adornments. "Walyadhribnabichumurihinnaalaajuyuubihinna."
"Walyadhribna" in Surah an-Nur shows the meaning of the command. That is, the instructions that the shirt is loosened.
The form of hijab worn by women does not only function to cover their aurat physically. The cloth is worn so that there is no opportunity at all for Satan to take advantage of the beauty of the female body as a means of committing sins.
So, it is clear that wearing the hijab is a command of Allah. Therefore, a Muslim woman must obey, as obedient servants of Allah in carrying out other worship, such as prayer, fasting, and others.
The essence of covering the genitals is not the form or model of the hijab worn.
In essence, the essence of covering the genitals is not the form or model of the hijab that is worn. If there is a headscarf or abaya that can cover the genitals perfectly—without showing the slightest curves of the body—it can also be considered a headscarf.
We no longer need to argue about terms and models. Because, it depends on the tradition in which a Muslim woman lives. The most important thing, the clothes really cover the genitals perfectly.
If someone says that the hijab is not obligatory on the grounds of different definitions,that is clearly wrong. Because, the hijab in the above sense is God's command. There is no difference of opinion in it.
For women who are Muslim, there is no choice but to wear clothes that cover their genitals properly.
For women who are Muslim, there is no choice but to wear clothes that cover their genitals properly. It's up to the name or the term of the clothes. Denying the obligation to cover aurat just because of differences in definition is a big mistake.
Moreover, the rejection of the hijab in mocking ways. For example, the term that Muslim women who wear headscarves are “desert people.” Such ridicule will not only lead the perpetrator to a grave sin. The blasphemer might even leave Islam because of his words.
Because, any action that contains a rejection of the provisions of the Shari'a is disbelief. Including, forbid anything that Allah has permitted or vice versa.
Hopefully all of us, especially Muslim women, can always be istiqomah in wearing the hijab, and always take care of their bodies by wearing clothes that cover their nakedness (aurat). Amiiinn