The sweetness of life from the results of tawakal
Muslimcreed - Our life goes on, tomorrow is ready to greet us. We have to go through many things, whether they are considered easy or difficult. All that will be done by humans voluntarily or forced. The most important thing for a Muslim is to put his trust in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in all things, after he has tried his best.
By depending our efforts on Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, it will produce very valuable results, because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the Most Great, the Most Mighty. With His might, only Allah is able to provide the results of human efforts. Therefore, decorate all your efforts and actions by putting your trust in Allah.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives instructions to His servants to always worship and do good deeds with full trust, because in it there is a sweet fruit that makes the perpetrator happy in this world and in the hereafter. We can see the sweet fruit of tawakkal in the verses of Allah and the hadith of the Prophet.
Of course we are very curious about the sweet fruit of tawakkal? Therefore, let's examine it together.
Victory and success
The success given by Allah ta'ala to His servants is a great gift that cannot be denied or blocked by any creature, even though they are in alliance to thwart it. One way to get this divine gift is to just put your trust in Him.
Protected from enemy treason
Satan is an enemy to humans, as they themselves said before Allah to always tempt and derail the children of Adam. However, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala asserts that the tricks of Satan - or his armies, shamans, sorcerers, normal people and others will not be able to happen to those who put their trust in Him.
Abundant sustenance
do you want to be rich? Yes That's easy, God willing, by trying to the limit of ability and putting your trust only in Allah subahanahu wa ta'ala, because one's wealth is obtained only from the gift of the Most Sustainer, not from others. Therefore, surrender all that you have worked for only to Allah, then you will be rich as promised. Of course it was done in truth, not half or there are still doubts.
Maintenance, supervision and adequacy
Guards for humans are a necessity so that they are protected from harm done by people who hate them, or demons and jinn that interfere with them. Many people or sorcerers offer as guards and protectors. But that's just a trick and to the best of his ability. It's just that, a person who puts his trust in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will get protection, supervision and sufficiency from Him. That can be ascertained, no one can interfere with people who get protection from Allah. Because Allah is "Aziz" (mighty).
Get love from Allah
Without love, life in this world is very miserable. On the other hand, with love, life is full of happiness. However, such love is only given by the Almighty.
The reward of heaven is full of pleasure.
Eternal happiness is the desire and aspiration of every human being, without being limited to only Muslims. Christians and Jews long for happiness. Even the most foolish of people longed for happiness to come their way. However, everyone achieves their expectations in different ways. Some people go to graves for happiness, others go to shamans for that. There are even people who work hard for happiness.
However, Islam provides a solution for the people in the best way, namely by trying and relying only on Allah Ta'ala. Not depending on their own abilities because there are limitations, and also not depending on other people -even shamans- because they also cannot guarantee happiness for themselves, let alone bring happiness to others.
Towards and during the month of Dzulhijah or the month of Hajj, we are reminded again of the story of Prophet Ibrahim who left his wife, Hajar, and son, Ismail, in the barren and lonely desert of Mecca because of Allah's command. Allah SWT does not command anything unless there is good wisdom behind it.
In this case, both for the three of them in particular and generally for the rest of mankind, generation after generation to this day, through the rituals of Hajj, among which Hajar trotted for water, between the hills of Safa and Marwah, known as sa' i.
As told in the books of qishash or the stories of the prophets and apostles, when Prophet Ibrahim was about to leave his wife and son, he In the book of commentary on Mafatih al-Ghaib by Fakhruddin ar-Razi it is stated in detail the story that when he was about to leave the two of them, Hajar asked Ibrahim, "To whom do we surrender?" Ibrahim replied, "Submit to Allah."
Ibrahim reminded his wife to leave all matters to Allah, because He is the All-Knowing and Most Protective of His servants who sincerely follow His commands. In other words, he advised Hajar to put her trust in Him, namely to make Allah SWT as a representative or helper.
Hajar put her full trust in Allah. He surrendered his life and his son to Allah, while trying to jog from Safa to Marwah, then back again to Safa, and so on up to seven times back and forth to find water for Ismail who was crying with thirst.
In the end, Allah gave them a spring that gushed from the ground that Ishmael's tiny feet stepped on. The springs were later known as the Zamzam springs. They can drink to their heart's content, quench their thirst.
The caravan that used to pass through that place was able to get the water and considered Hajar and her son to be the owners of the spring. As a sign of gratitude, the caravan also gave them a lot of food and fruit.
On the other hand, people who depend on other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for their aspirations will get the bitter fruit of their actions. In other words, the person who puts his trust in other than Allah, he has committed shirk. So that the threat of misery in this world and the torment of hell in the hereafter will always haunt him as long as he does not repent to Allah ta'ala.
With thanksgiving to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who has given us the ability to try and work, may it all always be accompanied by trust in the Almighty, the Most Wise.
Wallahu a'lam.