15. ablution for corpses.
After cleaning the feces, then perform ablution for the body. Even though the ablution is only a recommendation, but reading the intention is mandatory. The words of intent are as follows:
for male corpses
نَوَيْتُ الْوُضُوْءَ لِهذَا الْمَيِّتِ لِلهِ تَعَالَى
"My intention is to perform ablution on this man's body because of Allah Ta'ala".
for female corpses
نَوَيْتُ الْوُضُوْءَ لِهذِهِ الْمَيِّتَةِ لِلهِ تَعَالَى
"My intention is to perform ablution on this woman's body because of Allah Ta'ala".
Then wash the head of the corpse and proceed to the beard. Then down to the shoulders of the corpse in front and on the right and then to the feet of the corpse. When you have finished washing the right side of the body, then wash the left side from the shoulders to the feet. If you have finished washing the front limbs, then proceed to wash the back of the corpse, the same as the front, starting from the right side from top to bottom, from the shoulders to the neck. After completing the one on the right, proceed to the left side. It is forbidden to turn the corpse over to bend over.
16. Use sidir leaf or soapy water.
The first sunnah or recommended washing is to use sidir leaves or soapy water, the second wash with clear water to clean soapy water, the third wash uses clear water mixed with camphor to prevent bacteria that accelerate the decay of the corpse. That's all three washes are counted as one wash, because what counts is the third wash. So it is sunnah or it is recommended that the third wash be repeated three times. So to conclude, the order is as follows:
a. The first wash using soapy water once. (soap mixed with water in a bucket or bucket).
b. A second rinse with clear water to remove the soapy water once.
c. third rinse with clear water (not mixed with camphor) twice. At the beginning of the third rinse, it is recommended to read the intention of a big bath, the intention is as mentioned above.
d. the fourth rinse using water mixed with camphor once.
Or it could be the order of washing in bathing the corpse as below:
a. The first wash uses clear water (not mixed with soapy water) while intending to bathe the corpse.
b. Then the entire body of the corpse is given soap while gently rubbing it with a sponge.
c. A second rinse with clear water to remove the soapy water once.
d. the third rinse using clear water (not mixed with camphor) once.
e. the fourth rinse using water mixed with camphor once.
It should be noted for those who will use camphor powder, preferably only a little and not too much because it can change the smell of the water so that it becomes water that is not purifying, so it is not legal to use it to bathe the corpse. unless the camphor isn't crushed, even if it's a lot, it won't change the smell of the water. Because even though there is a change in the smell of the water, it is mixed with mujawwir (separated) and the status of the water is still pure and purifying.
17. Wipe with a towel.
If you have finished bathing the body, it is sunnah or it is recommended that the body be dried with a towel. Because if the body is wet, it will accelerate the decomposition of the corpse. Meanwhile, the enjoyment of the spirit accompanied by the body will be more perfect than the enjoyment of the spirit alone which is not accompanied by the body (because the body is already rotting).
18. Do not cut nails and hair.
It is forbidden (forbidden) to cut nails and hair other than the corpse of the muhrim (who died during ihram). But it is illegal to treat the corpses of foreigners.