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19. Clogging the discharge of feces with cotton and cloth.

If after washing the body and before wrapping it, there is najis that comes out either from the vagina or penis or from the anus of the corpse, then according to Ibn Hajar and Imam Romli, it is obligatory to remove the najis, even though the najis comes out after prayer. In the sense that it is obligatory to clean the najis only, it is not obligatory to wash it again.

However, according to a group of scholars, if the najis comes out after prayer, then it is not obligatory to remove it and it is not obligatory to take a bath again.

If the najis that comes out can't be stopped or it keeps coming out like blood or pus that keeps coming out like wet diabetes, then it's legal to wash it and it's legal to pray. However, after bathing, it is obligatory to clean the place where the dirt comes out or cover it with cotton and cloth so that it doesn't come out continuously. 

And it is obligatory to hurry to pray immediately, that is, after the corpse is washed and wrapped, then the corpse must be prayed immediately, not delayed like the prayer for people who have eternal hadas.


20. The person who washes the corpse is a person who can be trusted (amanah).

It is recommended that the person who washes the corpse must be someone who can be trusted. If the person who washes the dead sees good things on the corpse, then say it, but if he sees bad things, then it is forbidden to say it, except for people who openly do bad things, then it is okay to say it as a warning to others.

21. The person who washes the corpse is the mahram.

The most important person to wash the corpse is the same gender. If the person who dies is a man, then the one who washes the corpse is also a man, and if the person who dies is a woman, it is also a woman who bathes the corpse. Prioritize the mahram and also the asobah.

22. The person who washes the corpse is the person who is faqih 

(the person who understands the most about the procedure for bathing the corpse).

People who are faqih are people who understand the most about the procedure for bathing the corpse, it is more important to bathe the corpse than their relatives or older people but they do not understand the science of bathing the corpse. Unlike the funeral prayer, in the funeral prayer, it is more important to prioritize relatives or those who are older.

23. If the body cannot be bathed, then tayamum (purification using soil).

If there is difficulty in bathing the corpse, such as because there is no water, or if it is exposed to water it will be dangerous, such as a burnt corpse so that the flesh will peel and fall if it is splashed with water, or because of fear of endangering the person who bathes it, or no one wants to bathe the corpse of a woman, except for the male ajnabiy (not the mahrom), no one wants to bathe the male body except for the female ajnabiyah (not the mahrom), then according to Ibn Hajar it is obligatory to perform tayamum (purification using soil) for the corpse even if there is impurity that is not forgiven on the body. the corpse, but must wear a covering or barrier because it is forbidden to see anything on the corpse. And must wear gloves so as not to touch the skin of the corpse. Because something is forbidden to see, it is forbidden to touch it. 

If the corpse wears a loose and long robe and in front of it there is a river or pond that allows drowning the corpse so that the water will wet the corpse evenly without touching and having to touch to see the aurot (something that is forbidden to see) the corpse, then the law is to drown the corpse in the river. or that pool is mandatory (must).