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Seeking nearness to Allah – A spiritual journey begins with the first step


Seeking nearness to Allah – A spiritual journey begins with the first step

Muslimcreed - All Muslims are expected to seek nearness to Allah, but many don’t realize that it’s not enough to say you want it – you must actually do something about it. Seeking the nearness of Allah starts with action and intention, but where should you begin? In this article, find out what the first steps are on your spiritual journey to become closer to Allah.

Introduction: Seek Refuge in Allah, He is your Best Guide

No matter how lost we feel, or how far we have strayed from the path, we can always take refuge in Allah and turn back to Him. 

This is because Allah is our best guide – He knows us better than we know ourselves, and He loves us unconditionally. Seeking nearness to Allah requires us to make a conscious effort to connect with Him through prayer, reflection and good deeds. 

It is a journey that will take time and patience, but it is one that is infinitely rewarding. Here are some tips to get started on your spiritual journey - Reflect on Allah’s name, attributes and verses of the Qur’an. 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever says there is no deity worthy of worship except God, seeking only His pleasure while refraining from committing sin during times of worship (salah), his/her previous sins will be forgiven. 

- Make sure you pray salah daily. We should never forget that Allah Himself ordered us to pray five times a day when He said: Verily, I am most Forgiving to him who repents (does taubah) and believes (in My Oneness). 

- Read about the Prophet Muhammad's life story for inspiration.

Where are you on your spiritual journey?

I am on my spiritual journey. I have just taken my first steps and I am feeling a bit lost. I don't know where to go or what to do next. But I am hopeful. I know that Allah is near and that He will guide me.

I am on my spiritual journey. I have just taken my first steps and I am feeling a bit lost. I don't know where to go or what to do next. But I am hopeful. I know that Allah is near and that He will guide me.

Step 1: Be sincere in saying Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

When we sincerely say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, we are putting our trust in Allah and asking for His guidance. This is the first and most important step in our spiritual journey. Trusting in Allah means that we believe He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful, and All-Merciful. It is only when we put our trust in Him that we can truly begin to follow His guidance.

Step 2: Wake up for Fajr and Noor Salah

Waking up for Fajr and Noor Salah is one of the most important things you can do on your spiritual journey. It shows that you are willing to make an effort to seek nearness to Allah. It also sets the tone for your day and allows you to start your day by making a connection with Allah. 

Additionally, it helps you get into the habit of praying on a regular basis, which is an important part of developing a relationship with Allah.

Step 3: Memorize some Qur'an

The Qur'an is the word of Allah, and it is His guidance for us. It is a great blessing from Him, and it is something that we should treasure. Memorizing some of the Qur'an is one way that we can seek nearness to Allah.

Step 4: Learn about Islamic Du'as

Dua is a unique form of prayer in Islam that is used to make requests of Allah. The word Dua literally means invocation or supplication. Dua is one of the most powerful weapons that a Muslim has in their arsenal, and it is a weapon that we should all learn how to use effectively. 

There are many different duas for different situations, but here are some general tips on how to make dua 

1) Keep your heart open - be sincere and honest when you pray because sincerity breeds sincerity. 

2) Praise Allah (Al-hamdu lillah) - start off by praising God and mentioning what you have done that makes you thankful for Him before asking Him for anything else 

3) Ask sincerely - ask only for things that will help you get closer to Allah (swt). Be specific about what exactly you want so that He can give it to you 

4) End with praise again - thank Allah (swt) at the end of your prayer so he knows just how much you appreciate Him

Step 5: Go On an Umrah

One of the best ways to gain closeness to Allah is to go on an Umrah. The act of performing Umrah is full of symbolism and religious significance. To begin, you must make a intention (niyyah) to perform Umrah. This can be done by saying, I intend to perform Umrah for the sake of Allah.

 On completing your Umrah, you should thank Allah for making it possible. You can do so by saying Alhamdulillah (Thanks be to God) and in shaa’Allah (God willing). Then visit a sacred place in Makkah such as Masjid al-Haram or any other building that has special significance. 

It is preferable that you visit these places barefooted. Upon doing so, glorify your Lord by praising Him and supplicating to Him. Also, make dua for all your needs and in shaa’Allah He will grant them for you.