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The types of morals that we must avoid and use in order to achieve safety and happiness

MUSLIMCREED Morals can be interpreted as human behavior that is carried out intentionally, starting from a training process that becomes a habit, originating from the impulse of the soul to carry out actions easily, without going through a process of thought, consideration or research.

Kinds of Morals and Examples

1. Noble or Praiseworthy Morals (Al-Akhlakul Maheasy or Karimah)

Noble or commendable morality is also called Akhlakul Maheasy or Akhlakul Karimah, namely noble or commendable attitudes and behavior towards Allah, fellow human beings and the environment. These noble qualities for every Muslim need to be known which are sourced from the Qur'an and Hadith. The commendable nature really guarantees the safety of human life, in relation to God, personal life, society and the state.

2. Bad or Disgraceful Morals (Al-Akhlaqul Mazmumah)

Disgraceful morality is also called Akhlakul mazmumah, namely bad attitudes and behavior towards God, fellow humans and other creatures and the environment. Based on the understanding of bad morals, it is hoped that every Muslim avoids disgraceful nature because this is very damaging to human life, both in personal life, family, community and state life, as well as relationships with Allah.

Examples of Praiseworthy and Disgraceful Morals

1. Examples of Praiseworthy Morals (Al-Akhlakul Maheasy)

There are several traits that can be included in the noble character group, namely:

a. Examples of Praiseworthy Morals Towards Allah

- Ikhlas - Which means pure, pure, clear not mixed with others. A person's actions are said to be holy if they are done only for the sake of Allah alone, with sincere intentions, keeping away from riya (pointing to others) when doing good deeds.

- Repentance - That is an attitude of regret for the bad deeds done, trying to keep away all the prohibitions and doing good deeds.

- Patience - Able to endure difficulties with various trials and seek His pleasure.

- Gratitude - An attitude of making the best use of both physical and non-physical, and increasing righteous deeds with the aim of drawing closer to Him.

- Put your trust - Try as optimally as possible and pray, leave everything to Allah, to achieve something that is expected.

- Hope - The attitude of the soul that is hoping for something that pleases Allah.

- Be Afraid - Fear of Allah's punishment if you disobey His commandments.

b. Examples of Noble Morals Against Fellow Humans

- Maintain good relationship

- Saying the truth

- Don't underestimate other people

- Think well (Husnuzon)

- Affection

c. Examples of Praiseworthy Morals Towards Yourself

In addition to morals towards God and towards fellow human beings, do not forget morals towards yourself. Which means maintaining physical and spiritual nature is getting better every time. In a way :

- Maintain chastity and self-respect

Qana'ah: accept what is a gift from Allah.

- Pray to God

- Be patient with Allah's provisions

- Put your trust in Allah

- Humble

The Benefits of Akhlakul Maheasy

1. Loved by Prophet Muhammad SAW

2. Obtaining the Highest Position in the Hereafter

3. Good Morals

Examples of Disgraceful Morals (Al-Akhlaqul Mazmumah)

a. Examples of mazmumah morality to Allah

1) Mushrik

Is associating (asking / pleading) other than Allah with His creatures. Like worshiping idols is also included in the heart of polytheism. Because this is against the teachings of monotheism.

2) Takabbur

The attitude of being arrogant and not acknowledging the power of God in this world. As for what causes someone to be arrogant, one of them is because of a handsome or beautiful appearance, high position, wealth and so on.

3) Apostate

The attitude of changing self-belief and switching to other beliefs from Islam / in short, leaving Islam.

4) Hypocrite

The attitude of someone who presents himself as pretending / not being sincere in his heart follows the teachings of Allah and this includes treason. Treason is also defined as an act of deceiving and degrading himself.

b. Examples of mazmumah morality to others

A person's behavior or attitude towards others that are not in accordance with the teachings of the Qur'an and hadith include:

1, Irritability (Al-Ghadhab): That is an uncontrollable emotional condition that results in behavior that is displeasing to others.

2. Envy or envy (Al-Hasadu): That is the attitude of someone who wants to eliminate the happiness / enjoyment of others and a sense of wanting to thwart the goodness of others because they succeed in becoming better and successful.

3. Swearing (Al-Ghiiba): That is the behavior of someone who incites others to dislike someone and talk about his bad.

4. Persecution (Al-Zhulmu): That is an act that will harm others, both material and non-material. And some say, someone who takes the rights of others.

5. Miserly (Al-bukhlu): That is the attitude of someone who does not want to help others, both in terms of services and material.