Fake Hadits About The Practice Of Certain Prayers In The Month Of Rajab
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, how are you all, are you healthy?
Alhamdulillah washolatuwassalamualaRasulillahwaalaalihiwasallam,
In this post MuslimCreed will discuss a very interesting hadits for us to discuss at this time, namely the practice in the month of Rajab. As well as false hadits that we need to know.
In a society which has circulated among ordinary people that the month of Rajab is a month that has a myriad of virtues, there are many untrue hadits circulating among ordinary people about the Fadhilah of the month of Rajab,
The question is, is it true that the month of Rajab has special virtues, is it true that there are certain prayers that are prescribed in the month of Rajab, are there certain fasts with special fadilah taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihiwasallam in the month of Rajab, or are there other acts of worship in general that have virtue to be practiced in the month of Rajab,
Let's see the following explanation
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there is a book written specifically to explain the status of the narrations that mention the virtues of the month of Rajab, what the book says, there is no authentic, valid hadits that can be hujjah, related to the Fadhilah month of Rajab, there is also no hadits that explains the virtue of fasting in the month of Rajab, there is also no Fadilah on certain days in the month of Rajab, or practices to be filled with fasting worship or what people usually hear is fasting throughout Rajab, there is no fadilah of fasting certain days in the month of Rajab.
There is not even a hadits that explains the virtue of doing qiyamulLail night prayers on one of the nights of the month of Rajab specifically
There is no authentic hadits that explains the Fadhilah of the month of Rajab in general or the Fadhilah of fasting in the month of Rajab in general or on certain days in particular in the month of Rajab and there is also no hadits that explains the Fadhilah of praying at night on one of the nights in the month of Rajab, There is not a single Sahihhadits that can be proven as evidence.
Even before me there was one of the Ahlulhadits scholars named Abu Ismail Al Harawi who ensured that there was no hadits that could be used as a guide regarding the Fadhilah of the month of rajab,
He also explains in the same book,
Then IbnuHajar said the hadits about the virtues of the month of Rajab is divided into two types, the first hadits or other hadits have the status of Maudhuhadits aka false hadits, then he mentions that among the weak or fake hadits the first is about praying in the month of Rajab at a special time.
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What is the procedure for this prayer?
First, the readers must know that this prayer is a fake hadits, or a hadits whose contents are lies in the name of the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhiwasallam.
Which is said to have been narrated by a friend of Anas bin Malik and attributed to the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhiwasallam, he said that no one fasts on the first Thursday of the month of Rajab, then he prays his Friday night, between Isha prayers and Fajr prayers, so after the Isha prayers then he prays at night. Friday as many as 12 rakaat.
and every rak'ah he reads Al Fatihah 1 time and reads Al Qadr 3 times then followed by reading Surah Al Ikhlas, 12 times,
This is all done 12 rakaat and every 2 rakaat greeting, after finishing the prayer let him recite the shalawat 70 times, then he prostrates and says in prostration 70 times, strange is not the way to pray,
Then after that he lifted his head from prostration and read 70 prayers and if you want to know, that the reading of his prayers was also strange and was read 70 times.
then he prostrates again the second and reads as read in the first prostration, then after that he asks Allah for his wish, after that his wish is granted by Allah, says this false hadits
what is the explanation of the scholars of hadits experts regarding this prayer hadits, here is the saying of al-imam an-nawawirahimahullah that this hadits about prayer is a very bad bid'ah, which is very wrong, which really needs to be denied, in this hadits contains a lot of evil - evil or strange teachings that we must leave
That’s the false hadits that suggests praying on certain days in the month of Rajab, may we all avoid this false hadits
Maybe that's the info we can convey, hopefully all of you will avoid this fake hadits, thank you and don't forget to read our other posts, see you soon.