The etiquette of visiting and receiving guests according to the teachings of the Prophet
Every Muslim is required to perform actions that result in righteous deeds, actions that are liked and approved by Allah. As a Muslim, it is important to know that morality is one of the things that must be considered, especially in social life. In society, Islam teaches to maintain friendship with relatives, especially fellow Muslims.
Maintaining friendship is a practice in Islam which is not only in the form of worship. In addition to making other people we visit feel happy, friendship has many virtues. The law of friendship according to Islam is mandatory because friendship is one way to facilitate sustenance and maintain good relations with family and other relatives.
Rasulullah SAW has taught his people the etiquette of visiting and receiving guests in everyday life. This adab is written in the hadith and then taught in every generation of Muslims.
To maintain and establish ties of friendship, as a Muslim can visit relatives or relatives to his house. Visiting the house of relatives or relatives is usually called a visit. When visiting, there are several etiquette that must be considered, one of which is maintaining politeness as a guest. On the other hand, the receptionist must also know how to honor guests who come to his house.
Rasulullah has taught his people to honor guests. A Muslim who believes in Allah and the Last Day will believe in his obligation to honor the guest so that he will place him according to his position.
The etiquette of visiting in Islam
The following is the etiquette of visiting and receiving guests according to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad
1. Visiting people's homes with good intentions.
To visit, please make your intentions clear first. For example, visiting with the intention of connecting, giving happy news, visiting and so on that are good. Allah says that the best of guests are those who bring good news.
2. Pay attention to the time.
To come to someone's house, one should pay attention to the time. Do not let us come to someone's house when that person is busy. Our arrival at the wrong time, can actually disturb someone we come to his house. Visit or visit in free time if it does not disturb the host, such as in the afternoon, at maghrib or during breaks.
3. Asking permission when visiting.
Before visiting, one can ask permission from the owner of the house. Currently asking permission from the homeowner can be done via cellphone, we can contact the homeowner first before visiting. Arriving at the house of the person being visited, they must also ask for permission. Do not enter someone else's house before being invited in.
4. Dress modestly.
In Islam, a person is required to take care of his clothes. The purpose of maintaining the clothes is to maintain cleanliness and politeness, not to show nakedness that is not appropriate to be shown to people who are not mahrom. Wear clean and neat clothes when visiting, this shows our respect for the host.
5. Shake hands.
When visiting, after saying greetings, it should be continued by shaking hands with the host who is a fellow woman or fellow male to show respect and strengthen the relationship.
6. Avoiding slander in visiting.
In visiting, it is important to pay attention to who is the host, and who is in the house when we are visiting. This is to avoid any slander in visiting. For example, when a man grows up, make sure the house has his father or husband or an adult male to avoid ikhtilat and slander. Because ikhtilat is a matter that brings us closer to adultery and immorality.
7. Maintain good manners.
Not only maintaining modesty in dress, we are also obliged to maintain good manners in behaving and speaking when visiting. This is important to do to respect the owner of the house.
8. Pay attention to visiting time limits.
The adab of receiving guests in Islam.
1. Be polite and dress appropriately when receiving guests.
When guests arrive, it is obligatory for a Muslim to maintain his attitude and dress code so that he looks polite. This is done so that guests feel respected by their arrival. In addition, welcome guests with full warmth and friendliness so that the relationship is getting closer.
2. Provide a meal.
In addition to welcoming with friendliness, it is also important to provide entertainment to visiting guests such as drinks and food. Do not let the guests who visit feel thirsty or hungry.
3. Respect guests who stay.
If there are guests staying overnight, then as hosts we must serve them well. Like preparing beds for guests, and banquets for guests.
4. Escort guests to the yard when they go home.
When guests want to return to their homes, then we as hosts must deliver them to the front door of the house or home page.